Rail release

Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail Propagation and Reintroduction Program

The light-footed Ridgway’s rail (Rallus obsoletus levipes) is a state and federally-listed endangered species that can only be found in Southern California and northern Baja California, Mexico. The presence of the Ridgway’s rail within a coastal habitat indicates a functioning tidal salt marsh ecosystem and its rich biological diversity. Loss and degradation of habitat due to coastal development threaten this bird, although recent management efforts are reversing those trends in the wild.

The Living Coast is proud to be part of Team Clapper Rail, composed of organizations dedicated to the study, restoration, and introduction of rails in Southern California. With partners from San Diego Zoo Global, SeaWorld San Diego, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy, among others, Team Clapper Rail aims to support the rail population through collaborative efforts in zoological propagation, field research, annual census, monitoring, banding, genetic sampling, and introductions into the wild throughout the region.

Thanks to Team Clapper Rail’s efforts, over 900 rails have been zoologically propagated and introduced into the wild since 2000.

You can support rails at home by reducing single-use plastic consumption, using non-toxic pesticides and properly disposing of chemicals. Rails need healthy, non-polluted waterways to survive.

Thank you to the Port of San Diego for their support of the Ridgway’s Rail Propagation Program.

Port of San Diego

Western Burrowing Owl Recovery Program

Diurnal, ground-dwelling, burrowing owls are not your typical hooting, nocturnal owls. But their small size, large eyes, and “sassy personalities” make them a guest favorite here at the Living Coast. Perhaps you’ve met one of our trained ambassadors on the glove of one of our Keepers, or you’ve seen one of our burrowing owls on exhibit and can attest to their allure.

Burrowing owls can be found throughout grasslands and deserts of North America (they can even be found here on the National Wildlife Refuge). Still, our local San Diego population is threatened due to habitat loss and degradation. That’s why we’re working in a multi-agency collaborative partnership with San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance on a dedicated recovery program for western burrowing owls. Our participation supports the conservation breeding goals of the program. Owl groups produced from conservation breeding are soft-released as an effort to support the establishment of the first recovery node for burrowing owls in San Diego County.

burrowing owl